Friday 4 September 2015

Tesco finest vintage English cheddar cheese

I was accepted onto the Tesco orchards finest cheese campaign. I received a £3 coupon for £3 off any tesco finest cheese and some pass along coupons to give to friends and family. I went to my local tesco and found the tesco finest cheese selection easily on the shelf once i was in the cheese section, there was a big selection to choose from and we seen the Tesco finest vintage English cheddar cheese on offer for £2.50 so we picked up two packs as we thought this would be the best fit for our family as we are big cheddar cheese fans but not so keen on other cheeses. I had no problem using my coupon at the till but I did ask where I received my coupon to which I replied Tesco orchard.

I took my cheese home and wanted to try it straight away...I'm a bit impatient like that so we decided to go for enchiladas, we grated the cheese and it grated nicely, it didn't stick together like some cheese can and it gave nice even slices and not breaking a part or crumbling, it was really nice cheese to work with. We sprinkled it on top of the enchiladas and put it in the oven for a few minutes and as you can see above it came out beautifully. We don't like our cheese overcooked or burnt, we like it when it goes all stringy like. When it came to eating it, it was really nice, it has a slightly different taste from our normal cheese but it was nice, the texture of the cheese was good too.

I tried it on a few dishes such as cheese on toast and we made cheesy pasta and again all nice.

We hadn't tried it just on its own yet so we cut off a few slices and tried one bit on its own and it was absolutely delicious, it melted in your mouth with a creamy texture. So we had some crackers with it and my daughter just ate the cheese, she is a big cheese fan and could eat it all day if you let her.

The packaging was nice, it was just a basic white packaging with a black label telling you what it was, you could easily see this is a premium cheese but does the packaging really matter...not really it's more about the product on the inside but sometimes we can be swayed just by the packaging on the outside.

I got this for free buy joining the Tesco Orchard, i have had quite a few campaigns now and they get better and better, you have nothing to lose by joining up and you could be trialing products too just by leaving some reviews, facebook posts, twitter posts and whatever else it asks you to do on the campaign.

The reviews i leave are my own personal experiences, you may have a slightly different experience as we are all different, the reviews I write are honest, I would never leave a good review on a bad product as what is the point and I personally hate it when people do that as if someone goes out and purchases it on their recommendation, they have then just wasted their money.

My reviews are my own personal feelings and I have not been paid, bribed etc to leave a positive review and I do not have to leave a positive review just because I have joined the Tesco Orchard as negative reviews are accepted too.

Thank you all for reading and hope you grab a bargain, trial a new product and have a great day much love Tasha xx

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