Tuesday 25 August 2015

How to advertise your business

I always get asked about how to advertise a business, whether it is nails, hair, beauty, a company just starting up or if you are representative of a company. The person asking is normally struggling with sales or getting clients and wants a challenge to boost what they are earning but are stumped on how to do it.

You just need to put your thinking head on...when you are out and about take a look around at anyone advertising:

  • What do you see?
  • Where do you see the advertisements? On a car, a sign, a leaflet, a shop?
  • What can you hear?
  • Is it someone you have overhead talking about a brand or recommendation?
If you are a nail technician make sure your nails are done to a good standard as this will be a talking point when you are out and about and could bring in potential clients, the potential client can then see your work up close and make a decision if that is what they want, normally a bit of nail art gets someone talking and brings interest but wait....how do you make sure they remember your business name? 

Do you have a business name? if not you will need one, something distinctive so they remember your company name, 

Make yourself an email address and website, It doesn't have to be one that charges there are free ones available, so when a potential client is searching on google for something that matches the criteria yours will be there, this way they can interact with you. This could be booking an appointment, asking a general question or even ordering something.

Have a facebook page as nearly everything nowadays are on facebook, it will have your website address (if you have one not always necessary) phone number, treatment and price list, location, what you sell etc, they will be able to contact you, see your details and leave you a review, you can also put up pictures of your work to show what standard you are working at.

Business cards, you can get them done at vistaprint at an affordable cost, it doesn't have to be fancy but keep it current to what you are working in, make sure your business name, what you do, phone number and location are on there. Always keep a set on you, so when a potential client asks about your services you can hand them a business card so they don't forget they have spoken to you or what your company is and go to a competitor.

You could make a leaflet up, again current details such as business name, phone number, location, treatment and price list etc everything you need to advertise your business. You could keep them in your salon, home based salon, mobile or just to hand out, you could make a bit more and advertise in other places.

Where else could I advertise my business?:
  • Your local Gym
  • At a salon (not providing the same treatments)
  • Photographer (maybe work in a deal you advertise them and vice versa for a potential discount)
  • Your local supermarket,  you may need to pay a small price 
  • Your local corner shop again you may need to pay a small price
  • A Local business advertising leaflet - check if costs are involved
  • Yellow pages - check if costs are involved
  • Your own website
  • Your own Facebook page/group
  • Local selling sites on facebook
  • Twitter
  • Gumtree
  • Netmums
  • Through letter boxes - check rules on fly tipping
  • On peoples car windows - check rules on fly tipping
  • Giving your friend a freebie in return of advertising you to their friends and family for potential clients
  • Hand a business card out to anyone who has any interest in your business
  • keeping contact (do not stalk! or pester)
  • Business e-newsletters
  • Ask friends and family to hand out flyers, business cards etc in return of a discount or freebie
  • Run a promotion - for people in beauty when having a set of nails, get gel polish on toes for free, this way you are showing them a new treatment and gives the potential for them to book in for that treatment in the future
  • Loyalty cards - example after 5 treatments 1 free same treatment or other
  • Discount for trying a new design/style
  • Run a competition for a new set
  • Create a package - prom season is a good one, christmas, wedding etc

When giving clients your phone number you could be in for contact at any hours of the day as some clients feel you should answer 24 hours a day 7 days a week, I have seen lots of techs getting upset at getting a message at say 3am but remember this could be a convenient time for the client to message as they may not have any other time to book but you do NOT have to reply at that time and obviously reply at a convenient time within your working hours. 

You may want to look into getting a business mobile, it is your decision if it is pay and go or contract and you will have to work out what is cost effective just so you can turn it off at the end of your working day so that you do not get disturbed when you are in bed, out and about, a birthday, somewhere inappropriate eg out drinking lol. This way it doesn't effect your personal time by yourself, with your family, friends etc.

Always take pictures of your work and show it off on your page, website etc but please make sure you watermark them! I see it all the time where others are stealing other peoples work and taking the credit for your hand work so please please please watermark your pictures, put your business name on or your own name just so that when someone sees that picture they can see and know it is yours.

There are companies out there who can make you a company logo, leaflets etc it isn't something you have to have and something you want to look into before going a head with costs involved, this would be something relevant to your company and would be unique.

I hope this helps everyone who is struggling to advertise and needed a bit of help, I wish you every success in your business,Thank you for reading, much love tasha xxx

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