Wednesday 17 June 2015

A2 milk review


I got these free from a2 milk via bzzagent and was excited to try this campaign, I received a booklet informing about a2 milk, some coupons for myself and some coupons to pass on to friends and family. I am always sensitive to milk so I try and have as little as possible. I received the vouchers through the post and then the fun began…trying to locate the milk in a shop, i struggled at first but then managed to find it in one of the big Tesco Extra stores. The best bit with using the coupons was what happened at the till, the milk was £1.99 each or 2 for £3.50, I used 2 coupons at £1.99 each so it took 48p off my other shopping! can’t complain with that.
I went home and couldn’t wait to trial the milk, it came in a cute little packaging. So I tried the milk with tea, hot chocolate, cereal and milkshakes, I really could not tell the difference between normal milk and a2 milk and neither could my family members. So so far so good. Myself and my daughter has a sensitive stomach and sometimes feel ill after drinking too much milk, I normally try to eat as little milk as possible with my cereal but I gave it a shot with a2 and I was surprised to say I did not feel sick, I had no cramps and I had no bloating which is what I normally get when I drink normal milk. After 2 weeks trialling the milk, I can finally see the difference between normal milk and a2 milk, its how I feel within myself with not feeling ill all of the time and where before I wanted to stay in, I am now happy to go out, I would definitely recommend this to people who have sensitive stomachs.
Now that I am feeling better within myself, I am now motivated to lose the weight and take care of myself and all because of the difference I feel within my body.
The following below is taken from A2
Some may not be aware that their issues could be related to an intolerance to A1 protein. Found in regular milk, some may struggle to digest A1. Luckily, a2 Milk is sourced from British cows that naturally produce only milk containing A2 protein and no A1 protein.


These are my own personal views on the product, I was NOT paid or told to leave a positive review, I was asked to leave an accurate view of how I felt, these are all my own words, thoughts and opinions.

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